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Insights from the IEC Meeting | कायस्थ समाज द्वारा व्हील चेयर दान दी गयी | बी.ए.एम.एस. पाठ्यक्रम फीस स्ट्रक्चर (बैच 2023-24) | निशुल्क नेत्र चिकित्सा शिविर का आयोजन | प्रथम रास्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद क्रीडा महोत्सव 2018 | धन्वन्तरी सम्मान – डॉ .ओ .पी.द्विवेदी (2017) | SCIENTIFIC PAPER PRESENTATION | OUTSTANDING AWARD- Dr Grima Tiwari | Case Study Of Vipadika 2022 | अग्निकर्म, पक्षाघात, किडनी में इंफेक्शन, दर्द से राहत के लिए आयुर्वेदिक उपचार और इस सब बीमारियों को जड़ से खत्म करने के किये हम आपके साथ हैं :- शासकीय (स्वशासी) आयुर्वेद महाविद्यालय एवं चिकित्सालय, रीवा (म.प्र.) | अग्निकर्म, पक्षाघात, किडनी में इंफेक्शन, दर्द से राहत के लिए आयुर्वेदिक उपचार और इस सब बीमारियों को जड़ से खत्म करने के किये हम आपके साथ हैं :- शासकीय (स्वशासी) आयुर्वेद महाविद्यालय एवं चिकित्सालय, रीवा (म.प्र.) |

Clinical Pathology

The Clinical Pathology department at Vihaan Hospital and Research Centre is an integral part of the hospital’s diagnostic services, offering a wide range of testing and analysis crucial for patient diagnosis and management. This department specializes in examining bodily fluids such as blood, urine, and tissue samples using advanced laboratory techniques. Staffed by experienced pathologists, technologists, and technicians, the department ensures accurate and timely results. It provides essential services like complete blood counts, urinalysis, blood chemistry analyses, coagulation studies, and microscopic tissue analysis. The department’s commitment to quality, precision, and state-of-the-art technology supports effective patient care and contributes significantly to the overall diagnostic accuracy within the hospital.

Clinical Pathology F&Q

Clinical Pathology is primarily focused on the analysis and diagnosis of diseases through the examination of bodily fluids such as blood, urine, and tissue samples. It plays a crucial role in detecting various health conditions, guiding treatment decisions, and monitoring the effectiveness of therapies.

Common tests in Clinical Pathology include complete blood counts (CBC), blood clotting tests, urinalysis, blood chemistry analyses (such as liver and kidney function tests), and microscopic examination of tissue samples.

Clinical Pathology focuses on the analysis of bodily fluids and is more involved in the diagnosis of diseases at a biochemical and molecular level. Anatomic Pathology, on the other hand, deals with the examination of physical structures, tissues, and organs to study disease manifestations and to perform diagnoses.

Clinical Pathologists are responsible for overseeing laboratory testing, interpreting test results, and consulting with other healthcare providers to ensure accurate diagnoses and to determine the best course of treatment for patients.

Advancements in technology, such as automated laboratory systems, molecular diagnostics, and digital pathology, have significantly improved the accuracy, efficiency, and scope of diagnostic testing in Clinical Pathology, leading to faster and more precise diagnoses.

Quality control is essential in Clinical Pathology to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results. It involves regular calibration of equipment, adherence to standardized procedures, and participation in external quality assessment schemes. This is vital for maintaining the integrity of the diagnostic process and ensuring optimal patient care.